Welcome to St Alban's

We are an evangelical church, seeking to discover the truth and the goodness of God, and trying to apply this to our daily lives.

We believe that we are friendly and welcoming, open to all, and we hope that our services are accessible to all. Please come and visit us and let us know if this is true or not! 

St Alban's is part of the Church of England in the diocese of Southwark. We are in the Tooting deanery, and, together with St James' church, and St Paul's church, we are part of the Furzedown Team Ministry. We are also in a covenant relationship with those churches and Mitcham Lane Baptist Church, under the banner of Furzedown Churches.

Our main service is at 10.30am on Sunday. We would love to welcome you in person, but we recognise that for various reasons, some aren't able to come then. We are fortunate to have the option of recording our services: the latest service can be found below, or you can go to the St Alban's YouTube channel (see Contact Us details). All services can be found there and recent ones can be viewed on this site (go to 'Online Services').

Church Building

Pretoria Rd, Streatham, London SW16 6RR
020 8769 5415


It's electoral roll time again

Every year, the church needs to revise its electoral roll, to ensure that the true numbers of the church are represented.

So, what is the electoral roll (you may ask!)?

It is a parish church's register of 'electors'. In the same way that being on the civic electoral register allows you to vote in parliamentary and local elections, joining the church electoral roll means that you can vote on church matters at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM – this year on Sunday 26th May) and stand for election to the PCC. More information here

Join us to pray through the 10 days between Ascension Day and Pentecost! We will have a short time of prayer on Ascension Day (9th May) at 12.30, before our Lunch Club at 1pm. There will be other times of prayer during the 10 days, culminating in our Pentecost service at 10.30am on 19th May, followed by a prayer walk at 12-12.30pm and then a community lunch. All welcome!

Verse of the day